Have your say on national air pollution standards

Have your say on national air pollution standards

We have a rare opportunity to strengthen air pollution standards in Australia.

This year, state and territory environment ministers are reviewing outdated national standards for some of the worst air pollutants, including toxic pollutants from coal-fired power stations.

Will you make a submission now and have your say on what ends up in the air we breathe?

Health experts recommend stricter air pollution standards to protect communities.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a standard for sulfur dioxide that is 11 times stricter than the current Australian standard.

Exposure to sulfur dioxide can cause acute respiratory illness, lung and organ ...

We have a rare opportunity to strengthen air pollution standards in Australia.

This year, state and territory environment ministers are reviewing outdated national standards for some of the worst air pollutants, including toxic pollutants from coal-fired power stations.

Will you make a submission now and have your say on what ends up in the air we breathe?

Health experts recommend stricter air pollution standards to protect communities.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a standard for sulfur dioxide that is 11 times stricter than the current Australian standard.

Exposure to sulfur dioxide can cause acute respiratory illness, lung and organ damage, and serious birth defects during pregnancy.

A number of Australian communities are exposed daily to harmful levels of pollutants that exceed the WHO standards, especially in communities closest to power stations and major roadways.

The good news is the review provides us with an opportunity to fix this by advocating for stricter national air pollution standards.

It’s so much more impactful if you write a submission in your own words. Tell them where you’re from and why you care about this issue. You can use our templates below to guide you and to copy and paste useful bits of information.

Write your submission now using our basic submission guide or our more detailed version.



Make a submission to the review of national air pollution standards

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Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Tell them who you are, where you're from and why you care about this issue
  • Be succinct and to the point on what you want them to do
  • Use our guides to help with more complex points